The counseling ministry is strictly biblical, faith and discipleship based.
It is designed to help those come to a deeper relationship in Christ,
and the goal is transformation with reconciled relationships!
Please read the "Right to Counsel" below.
Our primary objective is to equip individuals for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ and assist in empowering men, women, children, and families to have a greater impact on the communities they serve. This is accomplished by providing Christ-centered, Bible-based teaching and counseling.
Our discipleship exists to glorify God in and through the lives of its helpers and those who come for help. Our mission is to provide bible-based discipleship service that God can use to transform lives. We will show you how to be set free from mental and emotional conflicts and reconcile relationships through scriptural teachings. Most people come to us primarily through word-of-mouth, and so if you have come for counseling, we do not consider that we have the “right” to minister to you unless you give us that right. Please read the following statements before contacting us for discipleship:
We see biblical counseling/discipleship affecting seven areas of life: SPIRITUAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, FINANCIAL, MARITAL, and PARENTAL. Personal problems often overlap several of these areas. Therefore, we ask your permission to go into any or all of these areas to the degree necessary to come to a solution of the problem.
While careful listening and empathy is a definite part of the ministry process, our biblical counsel is direct in nature. The style and approach to assisting people is straightforward and direct. Our goal is not to offend, but to use the strength of the Word to address the “issues” at large. This means that definite direction and homework assignments are given, which are based on the teachings and principles of the Scriptures. If a argumentative, rebelling and or unteachable heart exist or a continual ignoring of the homework we may need to stop the counseling process!
The word “counseling” is often associated with the ideas of “licensed” counselors. We do not take the stand that “ministers of the Gospel” must be certified with a state agency to be qualified to administer counsel to the hurting. It should be understood that our ministry does not use a “state certified” counselor to minister to you.
No decisions will be made for you. You are the one(s) who will decide what you will do with the teaching given to you. However, if there is persistence in ignoring the instruction given or a refusal to complete assignments, then the counseling will be stopped until there is a change of heart and desire.
We do not charge for counseling; however, we are a ministry and ask that you prayerfully consider donating and supporting the ministry.
Each session lasts 60-90 minutes. We do not have a definite minimum or maximum number of sessions required, but we will not keep you coming beyond a reasonable time. If outside help is needed in areas where other services have special expertise, referrals will be made.
It frequently happens (though not always) that as a person begins to follow biblical principles, their life experience may actually get worse. This is no reason to quit or think that you are not making progress. On the contrary, it may be an indication that you ARE making progress. When a person’s life situation is unmanageable, there is usually the need for unlearning and undoing certain things, so that progress can be made in a new direction. We mention this so that you will not be surprised and/or disheartened.
We are committed to a rule of confidentiality regarding what is discussed; however certain qualifications apply. Where further insight or guidance is needed, your counselor may consult with other people! Secondly, where a crime has been or is being committed, particularly against a minor, it is required by law to report such activity. Further, knowledge of a threatened act of violence against someone also may be reported. Finally, when a counselor is ministering to multiple family members, there typically is an “overlapping” of counseling data that is exchanged. When conducting “family/group counseling,” it is difficult to manage the personal data exchange. Your counselor is committed to encourage all group participants to keep the spoken data within the confines of the group. It needs to be understood that your counselor cannot be responsible for “gossip” within family or group members.
We ask that you seriously consider the teaching given.  If you decide not to continue your counseling, we ask that you follow the guidelines contained within the Scriptures and share your concerns with your counselor. First, share your concerns one-on-one before terminating or bring a third party into the process. These guidelines are set in place in order to resolve conflicts according to biblical guidelines.
When someone has read and applies for counseling, he is agreeing to what our ministry calls the right to counsel. 
If desiring counseling register and fill out contact info below.